The Value of Feedback

Feedback is essential, full stop.

Feedback is the gateway for all future development. Imagine if we never sought or received feedback. As a child we would never learn, change or grow. It’s the same for adults. Without input from others, we stagnate.

This is the fundamental reason why we start our signature programme with 360-degree feedback but not the ‘tick box’ kind where colleagues just need to get another e-mail out of their inbox.

Our bespoke 360 involves face-to-face interviews where one of our coaches, unbiased to the organisation and individual, interviews up to six colleagues, it’s an open forum to air their thoughts and it’s confidential.

Questions are created for the individual and the current context in which they find themselves in to provide the most relevant feedback.

This feedback allows for a greater understanding of self and exposes critical insights into behaviours, and performance that may otherwise have gone unnoticed and provides the benchmark from which to adjust or develop.

What do we do with the feedback?

Once have all the data we need from the interviews, we collate the feedback and write a detailed report.

The report is categorised depending on the questions and each of those are split into the positive i.e. what colleagues most like and to carry on doing and the areas for development, i.e. what hinders other progress/behaviours to adjust. We will report on themes or patterns that we are seeing in the feedback and outline proposed objectives for the individuals’ development.
