Conflict Management Techniques

Conflict situations test the very best of us. For some, it creates a desire to fight, for others flight. Some freeze, and for some, avoidance is the only way. All conflict situations create stress, but that stress manifests itself in different ways. Conflict management techniques can arm leaders with the necessary skills to deal with any situation.

This micro module is designed to enable participants to understand their conflict management style, how they react to conflict, to analyse the situation they find themselves in, and to develop the confidence to apply new skills to manage and ideally resolve the situation.

It begins by understanding what drives conflict in the workplace. This is supported by a comprehensive handout.

This is followed by gaining insights on your most preferred approach to managing conflict, and importantly, your least preferred approach. We ask you to complete a short but focused questionnaire before you attend which will identify your style.

The module then turns its attention to resolution. It makes a clear distinction to the issues associated with the role you play; are you the objective mediator, or are you one of the participants? This module takes participants through the key stages of a ‘tried and tested’ model for facilitating resolution with conflict management techniques. As there isn’t time to practice on the day, we provide you with a step-by-step handout to help you take theory into practice.

We also offer an immersive learning experience on Conflict Management, as us about it.

Duration: 90 mins | Where: Your offices | When: Mon-Friday 9-5 | People: Max of 12 | £795

Add on’s: External venue | Co. branding on our materials | Tailored to your specific needs