Lumina Profiling

Personality profiling, leadership assessments, psychometrics….. there are many.

In the workplace, it’s often seen as a tick box exercise to appease the powers that be.

Very little attention is taken when completing and less attention to what the report actually means for the individual, how best to use the information for development, and how to embrace the newfound knowledge within the team.

Along came Lumina Spark Personality Profiling.

Lumina is different, here’s why:

  • Shows you as you really are
  • Smart data with simple language
  • Values different ways of processing, visual versus written
  • Digitial view of dynamic personality
  • Select, onboard and develop
  • Develops transformational leadership
  • Helps to shape the organisational culture in understanding individual diversity
  • Promotes inclusivity through valuing deep diversity
  • Embraces paradox and doesn’t label or sterotype


  • Trait not type – Lumina does not stereotype, most assessments polarise, i.e you are an introvert or an extrovert. We can achieve a greater understanding of the individual with pigeonholing.
  • Diversity – Lumina values individual diversity and assesses the correlation between aspects and qualities. Many models make assumptions about everyone being the same, this model provides an integrated approach of viewing the individual and embraces paradox.
  • Validity – Lumina encompasses the Big Five with a Jungian Lens. It reduces evaluative bias and has 72 measures that directly measure the effective traits and when individuals are overextended.
  • Understanding – The profile uses visuals as well as simple language making it easy to explore behaviours, areas for development and build a high-performing team.
  • Detail – Lumina takes a whole person approach and provides analysis of an individual’s qualities in their underling persona (natural self, preferences and inherent ways), their everyday persona (what behaviours are typically exhibited, conscious self, how strengths are overplayed and default responses) and finally, the overextended persona (patterns and behaviours exhibited when under pressure).

Lumina mandala

People are diverse, no one person is the same and therefore can’t be put into a neat little labeled box.

Team Profiling Workshop

Format: Half or Full day workshop
Suitable for: Small and Large Teams and Open Sessions

Each human being is a unique combination of 24 essential qualities that create the personality. These qualities, and hence your personality changes in three situations being at rest, at work on a good day and when overextended.

Our strong visuals identify how you react to stress and what strengths you may lean on to regain composure.  Some strengths are suppressed and some become overused as a normal function of work life balance.  How you respond to your work and home life becomes apparent as we look at win-win strategies for success in both.

Our impactful visuals and experiential learning expand self-awareness and “other awareness”  as a respect for diversity are developed and we learn that “It is not Personal, It is Personality!”

Simple and effective techniques are shown to speed read colleagues and family so you may adapt your approach to enhance relationships and communication.

The Lumina Spark Splash APP is used to show participants in the workshop specific strategies to get along better in the workplace.

Individual Personality Profiling

We can provide profiling for any number of individuals and across different teams to suit your project.

Lumina profiling is the first step in our Storm McQueen programme to gain a thorough understanding and contribute to our bespoke development plan.

With every Lumina profile and/or 360 feedback we will provide a 2 hour de-brief to ensure understanding and to define the next steps.

2-hour One-on-One debrief

Lumina One-on-one debriefs may be performed in person or virtually.
These can be used to complement a team profiling workshop or in silo.

This allows the individual personalized attention, examples, and the chance to ask specific and personal questions about their results and if relevant, the dynamics in their teams.  These sessions are combined with 360 feedback to outline and create a plan which is right for the individual, and key stakeholders.